About EurAAC

European Association of Acarologists (Eur.A.Ac.) was founded on 1st August 1988, with the following purposes: promote, develop, organize, create and disseminate knowledges on Acari, facilitate  exchanges and partnerships among Acarologists, organize European congresses every four years for the dissemination of knowledges among Acarologists and other scientists, promote the education and training in all fields which are of interest to or concern Acarology, ensure the representation of Acarologists in the relationships with national and international research organizations and official institutions in order to promote the interest of acarology.


The EurAAc board

President: Anastasia Tsagkarakou, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation (ELGO DIMITRA), Athens, Greece

President elect: Wojcich Witalinski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Treasurer: Marie-Stephane Tixier, Supagro, Montpellier, France

Secretary: Peter Schausberger, University of Vienna, Austria



Jan Bruin, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jacek Dabert, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

Serge Kreiter, Supagro, Montpellier, France

Thomas van Leeuwen, University of Ghent, Belgium

Maria Navajas, INRAE, Montferriez-sur-Lez, France

Antonella di Palma, University of Foggia, Italy

M. Alejandra Perotti, University of Reading, United Kingdom

Rostislav Zemek, Biology Center CAS, České Budějovice, Czech Republic


Important Dates

Congress Dates: 2-6 September 2024

Abstract Submission Launch: 05/12/2023

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31/05/2024

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